Wedding Services & Pricing

Need a Marriage Celebrant for Your Gold Coast Wedding?
Getting married is one of the most exciting times of your life, if not the most exciting. You want everything to be perfect – the weather, the ceremony and so on. Unfortunately, Helen can’t control the weather but, as a marriage celebrant, she can control the ceremony to ensure that at least that part of your day will be perfect!
Services & Pricing:

Friday - Sunday
Are you after a traditional ceremony or are you looking for something completely out of the box? Helen can help you to create a conventional ceremony or one something more unorthodox if this is more fitting to you as a couple.

Weddings $550
Monday - Thursday
Want to get married without all the fuss or can’t afford a large wedding? Maybe you’re thinking of eloping. If you’re after a budget wedding on the Gold Coast, this may be your solution for only $550.
See Mid-Week Weddings page.

of Vows
$550 Mon-Thurs
$750 Fri-Sun
Had so much fun at your wedding that you want to do it all again? (With the same person, of course!) There is nothing more romantic than renewing your love and declaring it out loud – whether in public with your friends and family or just an intimate party of two.
What's included:
- 'Ceremony Pack' which includes a selection of vows, readings, relevant ceremony information, etc and is yours to keep.
- Unlimited face-to-face consultations to prepare the ceremony to your satisfaction and to complete any necessary legal paperwork.
- Unlimited phone and email communications.
- Preparation of ceremony to your requirements.
- Lodgement of all necessary legal documents with Births, Deaths and Marriages.
- Ceremonial certificate.
- Copy of your ceremony in a bound folder.
- Supply of P.A. system (if required).
- For full-price weddings (Fri-Sun) your choice of music for the ceremony is included, using Spotify.
- Rehearsal (if required).
- Assistance with changing your surname after the wedding.
- Travelling costs within the local Gold Coast area - Helensvale to Coolangatta.
Extra travel costs (not inc. rehearsal on site):
Brisbane + $200, Byron Bay + $150, Tamborine Mountain + $100
For other locations, a quote will happily be provided. - Please note:
- For Mid-Week Weddings please see that page for inclusions. (Click here.)
- Weddings on South Stradbroke Island will need to include return transfers to the island.
- Any parking fees required for your ceremony will need to be paid upfront.
- For public holidays fee may vary.
Deposit and Refund Policy
Payments can be made by cash, cheque or direct deposit. In the event of a cancellation, a refund of the balance will be issued if at least 4 weeks’ notice is given unless the ceremony has been sent, in which case 50% of the balance will be issued.